Home News With Wattsun and Freek on the roof

With Wattsun and Freek on the roof

In our user blog, we follow professionals and creators who use Wattsun. This time, we went up on the roofs with Freek.

Plug & play with Wattsun
Freek’s got the power!

Freek Driessen is part of the technical department at Industriepark Kleefse Waard, an award-winning business park that houses, facilitates, and connects sustainable and energy-related companies. Within the technical department, Freek is responsible for various tasks, including the maintenance of roofs. In case of leaks, he often needs to go up on the roof to inspect and, if necessary, carry out repairs. To perform his work, the specific part of the roof must first be free of dirt and water. For this purpose, Freek uses a hydrogen vacuum cleaner. To use the hydrogen vacuum cleaner on the roof, he needs on-site power.

Power on the Roof

Previously, he needed 6 to 7 extension cords (haspels) to get power to the required location, hundreds of meters of cables leading to dangerous situations and inconvenience. With the Wattsun Dock, this saves him, in addition to a lot of effort, at least half an hour of rolling and unrolling extension cords. Additionally, Wattsun’s innovative battery system is easy to move and portable, allowing Freek to easily take his mobile power supply with him when he needs to be in different locations.

Freek uses the Wattsun Dock 2000 to connect the hydrogen vacuum cleaner and his electric tools. This way, he always has a working 230V power outlet at his disposal anytime, anywhere. Unlike a generator, with Wattsun’s sustainable battery system, he doesn’t have to deal with pollution and noise in his work environment. His colleagues from the technical department are all convinced of the user-friendliness of Wattsun, and they will soon receive their own units.

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